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Promotion of Sexual Reproductive Health and Prevention of Gender Based Violence (GVB)


Like many other countries violence against women is a burning issue in Bangladesh. In the recent years the violation of women rights and subjugation has magnetized the attention of conscious society. The intellectuals and think tanks have come up with theories and postulates but the fact is any effective strategy hardly came out. In 2011 Bangladesh National Human Rights Commission- Capacity Development Project conducted a baseline survey on human rights in Bangladesh. In this survey more than 60% of respondents opined that violence against wives is acceptable for ‘disobedience’ and ‘bad behavior’, or when a wife’s conduct affects the reputation of the family. From this scenario it became clear that the root of this threat is very deep. To uproot this problem of violating women’s right initiative has to be taken to nurture the school going students so that they can develop a mind without any chauvinism and a mind with respect to the female members of the society. Considering this as a priority issue we under took this initiative as pilot basis. This campaign targets the school going students aged 12-15 to motivate them for taking action that would break men and boys silence on violence against women. This project is implementing in 15 schools of Cox’s Bazar Sadar Upazila under Cox’s Bazar. Activities of the project are education sessions with students, parents and community meetings.